martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Strudel di mele

PREPARAZIONE: 40 minuti più il tempo di riposo
COTTURA: 1 ora

Stappate vini dolci come il Trentino Moscato Rosa o la Malvasia delle Lipari.

Strudel di mele


• 300 g di farina 00
• 50 g di zucchero
• latte
• 1 uovo
• 75 g di burro
• sale
• burro per la placca

• 1 kg di Mele della Val di Non, varietà Renetta
• 70 g di burro
• rum
• 50 g di mollica di pane
• 100 g di zucchero semolato
• 50 g di uvetta
• buccia di 1 limone
• cannella in polvere
• zucchero a velo

Setacciate la farina sulla spianatoia, disponetela a fontana e versate al centro lo zucchero, 1 dl di latte tiepido, l’uovo, il burro morbido e una presa di sale. Mescolate bene e impastate energicamente il tutto fino a ottenere una pasta liscia e morbida, perfettamente omogenea ed elastica. Raccoglietela a palla, quindi copritela con un canovaccio e fatela riposare per 30 minuti a temperatura ambiente.
Preparate il ripieno: lavate, sbucciate e private del torsolo le mele, affettatele finemente e fatele rosolare in una padella con il burro. Bagnate con 2 cucchiai di rum e fatelo sfumare. Unite la mollica sminuzzata, lo zucchero, l’uvetta, precedentemente ammollata e ben strizzata, la buccia di limone grattugiata e una presa di cannella. Mescolate bene il tutto.
Stendete la pasta in una sfoglia non troppo sottile, allargandola molto delicatamente con il matterello e formando un rettangolo non troppo stretto. Distribuite al centro tutto il ripieno, disponendolo in uno strato uniforme, quindi ripiegate i bordi sul ripieno e arrotolate la sfoglia, sigillando bene le estremità.
Disponete lo strudel sulla placca da forno imburrata, praticate sulla superficie due o tre incisioni, bagnatelo con poco latte e fatelo cuocere in forno a 180 °C per 50 minuti, finché il dolce sarà ben dorato. Sfornatelo, fatelo raffreddare, spolverizzatelo di zucchero a velo e servite.

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

New Year's Eve Dinner for Two

Celebrate the New Year in grand style with a sophisticated menu that features luxurious ingredients, from oysters and crab to filets mignons. When the clock strikes twelve, toast the New Year with Champagne cocktails. These festive sparklers take on a ruby red hue, thanks to the addition of raspberries and crème de cassis.

Wrapping bacon around filets mignons—steaks cut from the narrow end of the tenderloin—is an example of the classic French technique called barding. Covering lean pieces of meat such as these with bacon slices or thin sheets of pork fat contributes flavor and moisture to the finished dish. You can further enhance this special-occasion steak by drizzling it with earthy truffle-infused olive oil.

4 filets mignons, each at least 2 inches thick
and 6 to 8 oz.
2 Tbs. white or black truffle oil, plus more for
drizzling over the steaks
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. freshly ground pepper
8 slices thick-cut lightly smoked bacon
Trim and season the meat
Using a rigid boning knife, trim all the fat and silver skin from the meat. Rub the meat on all sides with the 2 Tbs. truffle oil and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Put the meat on a plate and let stand at room temperature for 30 to 60 minutes before grilling.

Wrap the steaks with bacon
Preheat an indoor grill to high heat according to the manufacturer's instructions. Lay the bacon slices on the grill and cook until lightly browned but still pliable, 5 to 7 minutes. Using tongs or a fork, transfer the bacon to a plate lined with paper towels and set aside. When cool enough to handle, wrap 2 strips of bacon around each filet mignon and tie them securely with kitchen string.

Grill the steaks
Reduce the grill heat to medium-high. Preheat an oven to 200°F and place a platter in the oven to warm. Arrange the steaks on the grill so that they line up in the same direction (be sure to remember the order in which you put the steaks on the grill so that you will know which one to turn over first). Leave the steaks undisturbed for 2 to 3 minutes to develop good grill marks. Use tongs to turn over the steaks and grill for 2 to 3 minutes more.

Vistalba Corte C, Mendoza, 2008, Argentina
Rich and round, this is a big, mouth-filling red with terrific intensity to its black currant, cocoa and black cherry flavors. Youthful tannins give the palate structure, while a note of eucalyptus emerges on the long finish.

Chef's Tip: Professional chefs can tell when a steak is done by poking it with a fingertip and evaluating its firmness. If it feels soft, the meat is rare. If your touch meets with a little resistance but springs back, it is medium-rare. If it feels firm and has no spring, it is well done.


If the bacon is frozen, thaw in the refrigerator overnight before cooking. Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Place the bacon in the pan and cook, turning once, until browned and crispy, about 3 minutes per side, or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain.


sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

El Pavo en la Navidad 2010

El Pavo en la Navidad 2010

El rito de un buen pavo en la navidad requiere de una serie de trucos
de cocina que transitan mas en la lógica de la cocina milenaria.

Primeramente se escoge el pavo dependiendo el numero de invitados
que es proporcional al peso del mismo, los mismo .
Para descongelar el pavo hay que pasarlo al refrigerador durante algunos días y el calculo depende de la tabla de peso del mismo ( nunca descongelar fuera del Refri )

Una vez descongelado – hay que lavarlo bien he iniciar el marinado
Hay diferentes tipos de mezcla .

Salsa para Pavo. cooking-sauces
Jugo de seis naranjas , una botella de vino blanco , hiervas de Provence
Sal , azúcar, pimienta . ( integrar salsa francesa de a las tres pimientas o de
L´ehalote ).

Mantequilla preparada.
Una barra de mantequilla disuelta , agregamos ajo prensado , cebolla , perejil . y hiervas de cocina .

Calculando que el Pavo esta descongelado dos días antes de la cena
Una vez colocado el pavo en el rack de horneado , hidratamos el pavo inyectándolo tres veces al día con la mezcla de líquidos ( reservando la mitad de salsa para calentarla antes de servir ) así bien lo frotamos con nuestra mezcla de mantequilla. Y proteger con papel encerado.
Este proceso no debe durar mas de 15 minutos y terminando de nuevo al refri.

Horneado .
Para el horneado colocamos dentro del pecho del pavo dos manzanas con clavo y frutas secas pasitas . agregamos salsa y colocamos el pavo en la bolsa de horneado. Y amarrar las piernas del pavo.

Una vez terminado el horneado retiramos la bolsa y volteamos el pavo para que se dore en la parte posterior.

La salsa extra esta reducida y reservada para el momento de servir .


Los tiempos de descongelación son proporcionales al peso del pavo
De 3,50 a 4,45 un día
De 5 a 6,00 dos días
De 6,15 a 7,00 dos días y medio

Horno .
La temperatura del horno tiene que ser 170 o

Tabla de cocción por kg.
Kg Cocción Porción
4 a 5 3,00 – 3,30 10-13
5 a 6 3,30 – 4,00 13-16
6 a 7 4,00 – 4,30 16-19
7 a 8 4,30 – 5,00 19-22
8 a 9 5,00 – 5,30 10-13

Turkey Roasting

El Pavo esta navidad - de 6,350 kg
Horario inicio 5,30 a una temperatura de 170 f
Retirar la bolsa de Cocción a las 8,45 hrs
Apagar el hormo a las 9,45 hrs

El Pavo esta navidad - de 6,100 kg
Horario inicio 5,30 a una temperatura de 170 f
Retirar la bolsa de Cocción a las 8,15 hrs
Apagar el hormo a las 9,20 hrs

Guarnición para el pavo.

Guarnición primer plato.
Papas con ajote y cebollin gratinados con queso parmesano .

Guarnición tradicional
Bacalao . ver pagina Bacalao Bo.

Guarnición tradicional
Picadillo con frutas secas

Sugerencias de vino . Espumante o Tocay

BoChef © 2011

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010


1 kg di patate farinose
250 g di farina di tipo 00
noce moscata
sale fino

Gli gnocchi sono gli antenati delle paste alimentari. Un tempo venivano realizzati con farina e acqua e modellati solo dopo la cottura; in seguito vennero realizzati anche con le castagne. Solo nel XIX secolo si iniziarono a utilizzare le patate, che ben presto soppiantarono gli altri ingredienti per gli gnocchi.

Gnocchi di patate

1 kg di patate farinose
250 g di farina di tipo 00
noce moscata
sale fino

Gli gnocchi sono gli antenati delle paste alimentari. Un tempo venivano realizzati con farina e acqua e modellati solo dopo la cottura; in seguito vennero realizzati anche con le castagne. Solo nel XIX secolo si iniziarono a utilizzare le patate, che ben presto soppiantarono gli altri ingredienti per gli gnocchi.


Lavate le patate, mettetele in una pentola con acqua fredda e, una volta portata l’acqua a bollore, lasciatele cuocere; pelatele e passatele allo schiacciapatate oppure al setaccio, raccogliendole sopra una spianatoia o su un tavolo di marmo; aggiungete quindi gli altri ingredienti e impastate velocemente il composto, poiché una lavorazione troppo lunga renderebbe l’impasto colloso. Dividete l’impasto in pezzetti e formate, sulla spianatoia leggermente infarinata, alcuni bastoncini della grandezza di un mignolo.
Tagliate i bastoncini a tocchetti lunghi circa 2 cm. Fate scivolare i pezzetti sulla parte interna di una grattugia o sui rebbi di una forchetta, schiacciandoli leggermente con il pollice.
Infarinate leggermente gli gnocchi per evitare che si attacchino, quindi cuoceteli in abbondante acqua bollente salata, pochi alla volta: non appena vengono a galla, toglieteli delicatamente dalla pentola con un mestolo forato; conditeli e serviteli immediatamente, ben caldi.

Trucchi e consigli

Per prima cosa cercate di utilizzare la minor quantità di farina possibile, poiché più gli gnocchi rimangono morbidi, più risultano gradevoli al palato. Prestate però attenzione a non ammorbidirli eccessivamente.
Se la qualità delle patate non è quella ideale per gli gnocchi, oppure se vi servite di patate raccolte da poco, dopo la loro cottura è consigliabile metterle in forno medio qualche minuto, affinché perdano umidità. Potete anche aggiungere un uovo e un po’ di fecola, due elementi che conferiscono maggiore tenuta all’impasto. Per passare le patate, evitate di ricorrere al passaverdure, che renderebbe la purea collosa.
Se gli gnocchi sono preparati in anticipo, occorre sbianchirli, raffreddarli rapidamente in acqua e latte, stenderli in una teglia e ungerli leggermente con olio: il risultato però non sarà altrettanto soddisfacente, poiché quando verranno riscaldati una seconda volta nell’acqua bollente tenderanno a disfarsi.
Se lo desiderate, potete personalizzare la presentazione degli gnocchi con la creazione di lunghi fusi ottenuti lavorando l’impasto con le mani, oppure aromatizzando lo stesso composto con la rucola o un’altra erba aromatica, o ancora farcendo gli gnocchi e poi richiudendoli.

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Fruit Cake

Fruit Cake Bo Correcion
Lista de Ingredientes

Dos tasas de harina
Una de azúcar
Dos Cucharas de Royal
4 huevos
2 cucharas de vainilla - 1 licor de naranja
2 cucharitas jengibre , clavo y canela. Preparadas en mortero
media barra de mantequilla pre calentada
Cortar todos los ingredientes para formar grupos
Para la producción en serie .
Esta cantidad es para hornear de cuatro en cuatro

Para hornear colocar la charola con agua y retirarla los últimos 15 minutos de horneado a 180

Fruit Cake Bo
Lista de Ingredientes
Dos tasas de harina
Dos azúcar
Cuchara y media de royal
6 huevos
4 cucharas de vainilla - licor de naranja o extracto 2 cucharitas
media barra de mantequilla pre calentada
Cortar todos los ingredientes para formar grupos
Para la producción en serie .

En la batidora colocar El royal la vainilla y los huevos
la harina cernirla y agregarla junto con las dos tazas de azúcar y agregar la mantequilla una vez mezclado agregar integrando todos los elementos poco a poco con una pala de latex
Frutas seca agregar a la mezcla.
Orejón, Membrillo 1 taza
Acitrón 1 taza
Perón y de limón o naranja rayadúra
Cerezas ½
Nuez – Almendra ½
Pasas ½

la mezcla es muy espesa ( porque no tiene leche ) y por ello colocarla en los moldes con cuchara grande casi acomodándola ( se puede agregar un poco del jugo de las cerezas depende la consistencia de la maza )

Hornear y desmoldar .
Recién salidos los Fruit Cake , hay que mojarlos ligeramente con brandy y cubrirlos con papel aluminio
Para que el alcohol trabaje y repetir el baño de brandy
Al día siguiente.
Se recomienda que el día que se abra el Fruit Cake se le agregue de nuevo mas brandy
Feliz navidad

Orange-Passion Fruit Cake

This traditional cake is eaten in many Argentinean homes, often as an accompaniment to afternoon tea. It is usually purchased in pastry shops, 
but this straightforward recipe is well worth the effort. Passion fruit is used 
in many ways in Latin America: juice for drinking; as flavoring for ice creams, glazes, toppings and other desserts; and for adding sweetness and complexity to salsas, sauces and savory dishes. You can find frozen passion fruit pulp in most Latin markets.
For the cake:
3 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more for buttering pan
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
2 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup fresh or thawed frozen passion fruit pulp
1 Tbs. grated orange zest
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
For the glaze:
2 heavy passion fruits or 1/4 cup thawed frozen passion fruit pulp
1 1/3 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 Tbs. unsalted butter, at room temperature
Preheat an oven to 350°F. Butter a 10-inch Bundt pan or tube pan. Dust with flour and tap out the excess. 

To make the cake, in a bowl, whisk together the 3 cups flour, the baking soda, baking powder and salt. 

In a large bowl, combine the 3 sticks butter and the granulated sugar. Using an electric mixer on high speed, beat until very smooth, 5 to 7 minutes. Beat in 1/4 cup of the flour mixture. Reduce the speed to low and add the eggs one at a time, beating until fully incorporated after each addition and scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed, about 2 minutes total. Turn the mixer off. Add the remaining flour mixture, the buttermilk, passion fruit pulp, orange zest and orange juice and beat on low speed for 30 seconds. Increase the speed to medium and beat just until combined, about 1 minute more. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan. 

Bake the cake until it is golden brown and springs back when pressed in the center, 50 to 60 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool for 10 minutes. 

Meanwhile, make the glaze: If using fresh passion fruit, cut the fruit open, scoop the pulp and seeds into a fine-mesh sieve, and press it through the mesh, using the back of the spoon to extract as much of the juice and pulp as possible. Discard the solids left in the sieve. Measure 1/4 cup pulp and reserve the rest for another use. 

In a bowl, using a wooden spoon or silicone spatula, stir together the passion fruit pulp, confectioners’ sugar and butter until smooth. 

To unmold the cake, run a small knife around the inside edge of the pan to loosen the cake, then invert it onto a serving plate and remove the pan. Drizzle with the glaze, cut into wedges and serve. Serves 12 to 14. 

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Turkey Potpie

Chock-full of turkey and vegetables, this savory pie is the ultimate comfort food. Our recipe includes pearl onions, which are easy to peel when you follow the instructions below.
For the pastry:
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
6 Tbs. (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, cut into
small pieces
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
3 to 4 Tbs. ice water

For the filling:
3 cups turkey or chicken stock
4 thyme sprigs
1 bay leaf
15 pearl onions
4 Tbs. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 carrot, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 celery stalk, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
3 small red potatoes, cut into eighths
2 cups cooked turkey, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/2 cup peas
4 oz. white button mushrooms, cut into 1/2-inch
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
To make the pastry, in a food processor, combine the flour and salt and pulse once to mix. Add the butter and vegetable shortening and process in short pulses until pea-size crumbs form, 25 to 30 seconds. While pulsing, add the water 1 Tbs. at a time until large, moist crumbs form, 10 to 12 seconds. Serves 4 to 6.

Turn the pastry out onto a lightly floured surface and shape into a flat disk. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Preheat an oven to 400°F.

To make the filling, in a small saucepan over medium heat, bring the stock, thyme and bay leaf to a boil. Remove from the heat and let cool. Remove the thyme and bay leaf and discard.

Bring a large saucepan half full of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the pearl onions and cook for 2 minutes. Drain the onions, rinse under cold water and drain again. Trim off the root ends, then cut a shallow "X" into each trimmed end and slip off the skins. Set aside.

In a large saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Add the flour and cook, stirring, about 1 minute. Whisk in the reserved stock, increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Continue boiling, whisking often, until thickened, about 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the carrot, celery, potatoes and pearl onions. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes. Add the turkey, peas and mushrooms and cook until the mushrooms are tender, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the filling to a 9-inch deep-dish ceramic pie dish.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry into a 12-inch round about 1/8 inch thick. Arrange the pastry evenly over the filling and trim the edges, leaving a 1-inch overhang. Fold under the excess dough and flute the edge decoratively with your thumb. Make 4 or 5 slits in the top to allow steam to escape. Place the dish in the oven on a piece of aluminum foil to catch any spills.

Bake the pot pie until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbling, 30 to 35 minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes before serving.

Williams-Sonoma Kitchen.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Marzipan Niederegger


is a confection consisting primarily of sugar and almond meal. Some marzipan is flavored with rosewater. Persipan is a similar, yet less expensive product, for which the almonds are replaced by apricot or peach kernels. In Goa (formerly Portuguese India) almonds are replaced by cashews. Many confectionery products sold as marzipan are made from less expensive materials, such as Soy paste and almond essence.[1]p.594 German marzipan is made by grinding whole almonds with sugar and partially drying the paste, and French marzipan is made by combining ground almonds with sugar syrup.[2]p.484 Spanish marzipan is made without bitter almonds.

The Hanseatic City of Lübeck (pronounced [ˈlyːbɛk] ( listen), older [ˈlyːbeːk]) is the second-largest city in Schleswig-Holstein, in northern Germany, and one of the major ports of Germany. It was for several centuries the "capital" of the Hanseatic League ("Queen of the Hanse") and because of its Brick Gothic architectural heritage is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. In 2005 it had a population of 213,983.
Situated at the Trave River, Lübeck is the largest German port on the Baltic Sea. The old part of the town is an island enclosed by the Trave. The Elbe-Lübeck Canal connects the Trave with the Elbe River. Another important river near the town centre is the Wakenitz. Autobahn 1 connects Lübeck with Hamburg and Denmark (Vogelfluglinie). The borough Travemünde is a sea resort and ferry port at the coast of the Baltic Sea

Lübeck is very famous for its excellent marzipan industry, and according to local legend, Marzipan was first made in Lübeck possibly in response to either a military siege of the city, or a famine year. The story, perhaps apocryphal, is that the town ran out of all foods except stored almonds and sugar, and used these to make loaves of marzipan "bread". Others believe that marzipan was actually invented in Persia a few hundred years before Lübeck claims to have invented it. The best known producer is Niederegger, which tourists often visit while in Lübeck, especially during Christmas time.
The Lübeck wine trade dates back to Hanseatic times. One Lübeck specialty is Rotspon, wine made from grapes processed and fermented in France and transported in wooden barrels to Lübeck, where it is stored, aged and bottled.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Roast Pork Loin with Pan Sauce

Readying this pork roast for the oven takes less than 5 minutes. Serve slices with pan sauce on the first night, then use the leftovers for making other delicious meals later in the week (see related recipes at left).

To store the remaining pork loin, let it cool to room temperature, then wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. The pork loin will stay juicier if you store it whole rather than in slices. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
1 boneless pork loin roast, about 4 lb. rolled and
1 large garlic clove, halved
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. freshly ground pepper
3 Tbs. unsalted butter
1 Tbs. all-purpose flour
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup chicken broth
Prepare the pork
Preheat an oven to 450°F. Pat the pork dry with paper towels, then rub it all over with the cut sides of the garlic clove. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.

Roast the pork
Place the pork, fat side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan just large enough to hold it comfortably. Roast for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 400°F and continue to roast until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the meat registers 145° to 150°F and the pork is barely pink in the center, 1 to 1 1/4 hours more. Transfer the pork to a carving board, cover loosely with aluminum foil and let stand for 10 minutes.

Prepare the pan sauce
Meanwhile, remove the rack from the roasting pan and place the pan on the stovetop over medium heat. Add the butter and stir with a whisk to scrape up the browned bits from the pan bottom. Sprinkle in the flour, and cook, stirring for about 2 minutes. Add the wine and broth and stir until smooth and thick. Snip the strings and slice enough pork for 1 meal. Serve the pork drizzled with the pan sauce. Let the remaining pork cool, then store for later use (see note above). Serves 4; makes about 4 cups shredded or thinly sliced roast pork total.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Moët et Chandon

Moët et Chandon (French pronunciation: [moɛte ʃɑ̃ˈdɔ̃]),[1] or Moët, is a French winery and co-owner of the luxury goods company Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton. Moët et Chandon is one of the world's largest champagne producers and a prominent champagne house. The company holds a Royal Warrant to supply champagne to Queen Elizabeth II.[2] Moët et Chandon was established in 1743 by Claude Moët, and today owns more than 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) of vineyards, and annually produces approximately 26,000,000 bottles of champagne

Moët et Chandon began as Moët et Cie[1] (Moët & Co.), established by Épernay wine trader Claude Moët in 1743,[4] and began shipping his wine from Champagne to Paris. The reign of King Louis XV coincided with increased demand for sparkling wine. Soon after its foundation, and after son Claude-Louis joined Moët et Cie, the winery's clientele included nobles and aristocrats.

Moët began business in 1750 with Madame de Pompadour, who supplied the Royal Court at Compiègne with Moët's champagne.[1] Also in 1750, Moët began establishing business in Germany, Spain, Eastern Europe, and colonial British America.[1] In 1792, on Claude Moët's death, grandson Jean-Rémy Moët assumed control of Moët et Cie,[1] and expanded the business buying the vineyards of the Abbey of Hautvillers, where Benedictine monk Dom Perignon perfected double-fermentation for creating champagne

Moreover, the Moët surname was prestigious before the winery's establishment; King Charles VII ennobled brothers Jean and Nicolas Moët (Claude's ancestors) in 1446

Into the 19th century
The company truly attracted a loyal international following after it initiated an account with Napoleon.[1] Jean-Rémy, who had become mayor of Épernay in 1802, met Napoleon in 1804.[1] Within the new guest houses at Moët's headquarters on 20 rue de Champagne, Napoleon I and his entourage were lavishly dined and wined. Historian of champagne Patrick Forbes wrote: "everybody who was anybody in Europe was passing through the Champagne district en route from Paris to the Congress of Vienna

nd they all wanted to visit the celebrated champagne maker. ... His 10 years in the Napoleonic limelight had made him the most famous wine-maker in the world and orders for his champagne began pouring in with such profusion that he hardly knew how to fill them."[1] In appreciation for Jean-Rémy's generosity, the Emperor of the French gave Jean-Rémy his, Napoleon's, Officer's cross of the Legion of Honor. In honor of Napoleon, Moët later in its history dedicated its Brut Imperial to him

After his connections with Napoleon, the company of Moët contained a portfolio of prominent figures which encompassed Tsar Alexander II of Russia, Emperor Francis II of Austria (Napoleon's father-in-law), the Duke of Wellington, Madame de Staël, Queen Victoria, and the Prince Royal of Russia (later to become emperor of Germany) among many more.[1] Sales during the 1820s are believed to have been on average 20,000 bottle annually.[1] Leadership of the company changed in 1832 when Jean-Rémy retired and left the company in the hands of his son Victor Moët and son-in-law Pierre-Gabriel Chandon de Briailles.[1] As M.Chandon became incorporated into the company as co-owner, the name was officially changed that same year to "Moët et Chandon."[1] Following the introduction of the concept of a vintage champagne in 1840, Moët marketed its first vintage in 1842. Their best-selling brand, Brut Imperial was introduced in the 1860s.
The Marne Valley fell under the ownership of Moët et Chandon in 1879, expanding the company's operations.[1] The introduction of more flavorsome grapes from Cramant, Le Mesnil, Bouzy, Ay, and Verzenay also followed.[1] As expansion grew, so did the employee count. At the time, about 2,000 people were under the employment of Moët et Chandon and a type of "social security" was formed which gave free medical attention, housing assistance, pensions, maternity benefits, sick pay, and free legal aid. Job holders included cellarmen, cork cutters, clerks, vineyard farmers, tinsmiths, needlewomen, basketmakers, firemen, packers, wheelwrights, and stableboys.[1] Sales in 1872 are reported to have been at 2,000,000 bottles and at 2.5 million by 1880, while consumers continued to consist of the upper social hierarchy.

During World War I, France suffered much destruction. Moët et Chandon lost the offices and guest houses, where Napoleon I had stayed, to bombing raids.[1] After the war, the company re-established its position in the market by introducing the Dom Pérignon brand of vintage champagne in the late 1920s.[1] The introduction of the Dom Pérignon label set a trend in which many other champagne houses came to introduce their own premium label of champagne intended to surpass their regular vintage champagne. Nevertheless, it was Dom Pérignon which came out to be the most successful brand. Dom Pérignon was recognized by connoisseurs as the most perfect champagne available, and was also the most expensive on the market.[1] During World War II in which France fell under occupation of Nazi Germany, business was negatively affected.[1] However, due to the modernization of operations within the firm, it managed to recover well.[1] The goals of fairness and efficiency were emphasized in all aspects of production, from the installation of new wine presses to a comprehensive system of work incentives

Dom Pérignon (French pronunciation: [dɔ̃peʁiɲɔ̃]; English: /ˌdɒmpɛrɪˈnjɒn/) is a brand of Champagne produced by Moët et Chandon. It is named after Dom Pérignon, a Benedictine monk who was an important quality pioneer for Champagne wine but who, contrary to popular myths, did not discover the champagne method for making sparkling wines.[6] Dom Pérignon was the first prestige cuvée, an idea proposed by Englishman Laurence Venn.[7] The first vintage of Dom Pérignon was 1921 and was only released for sale in 1936. Dom Pérignon is a vintage champagne, meaning that it is only made in the best year, and all grapes used to make the wine were harvested in the same year. Many champagnes, by contrast, are non-vintage, which means that the champagne is made from grapes harvested in various years.

martes, 13 de julio de 2010

La cuisine française

La cuisine française fait référence à divers styles gastronomiques dérivés de la tradition française. Elle a évolué au cours des siècles suivant ainsi les changements sociaux et politiques du pays. Le Moyen Âge a vu le développement de somptueux banquets qui ont porté la gastronomie française à un niveau supérieur, avec une nourriture décorée et fortement assaisonné par des chefs tels que Guillaume Tirel. Avec la Révolution française, les habitudes ont cependant été modifiées avec une utilisation moins systématique des épices et avec le développement de l'utilisation des herbes aromatiques et de techniques raffinées, à commencer par François Pierre de La Varenne et par d'autre dignitaires de Napoléon Bonaparte, comme Marie-Antoine Carême.
La cuisine française ne fut codifiée qu'au xxe siècle par Auguste Escoffier pour devenir la référence moderne en matière de grande cuisine. Elle est aujourd'hui réputée comme l'une des principales cuisines mondiales. L'œuvre d'Escoffier laissa toutefois de côté une grande partie du caractère régional que l'on peut trouver dans les provinces françaises. L'essor du tourisme gastronomique, avec l'aide notamment du Guide Michelin, a contribué à un certain retour aux sources des gens vers la campagne au cours du xxe siècle et au-delà. La cuisine gasconne influença également largement la cuisine dans le sud-ouest de la France.
En France même pourtant, différents styles de cuisine sont pratiqués et il existe de multiples traditions régionales, si bien qu'il est difficile de parler de la cuisine française comme un tout unifié. Il existe de nombreux plats régionaux qui se sont développés au point d'être (re)connus au niveau national. Beaucoup de plats régionaux, à l'origine, se sont également multipliés à travers le pays avec quelques variations d'une région à une autre. Le fromage et le vin occupent une place d'exception dans la cuisine française, avec de nombreux produits régionaux, qui portent un label ou une appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC).
Fin 2006, un groupe de gastronomes et de chefs, dont Paul Bocuse, Alain Ducasse, Pierre Troisgros, Marc Veyrat et Michel Guérard militèrent pour que la cuisine française entre au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Le président Nicolas Sarkozy appuya cette demande le 23 février 20081

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010


Aunque ya había utensilios parecidos en la Grecia clásica y el Imperio Romano, el tenedor apareció como tal hacia el 1077. El tenedor llegó a Europa procedente de Constantinopla a principios del siglo XI de la mano de Teodora, hija del emperador de Bizancio, Constantino Ducas. Lo llevó a Venecia al contraer matrimonio con Doménico Selvo, Dux de aquella república. Pero Teodora para sus contemporáneos era tachada, por ésta y otras refinadas maneras orientales, como escandalosa y reprobable y hasta San Pedro Damián amonestó desde el púlpito estas extravagancias, llegando a llamarlo "instrumentum diaboli". Mas fue en Francia donde se hizo realmente popular, allá por el siglo XVI, gracias a Catalina de Médicis que lo introdujo en la corte francesa al casarse con el rey Enrique II. Como curiosidad cabe añadir que además de usar el tenedor para comer, Catalina lo usó para rascarse la espalda. La fama de cursi que tenía este utensilio lo hizo quedar en un segundo plano frente al comer con las manos hasta al siglo XVIII.

sábado, 3 de abril de 2010


En France, la ratatouille est une spécialité culinaire niçoise, que l'on trouve également en Provence. Elle existe dans de nombreux pays sous d'autres noms. Il s'agit d'un ragoût de divers légumes.

e mot « ratatouille » vient de l'occitan ratatolha. Il est également utilisé dans toutes les langues, y compris en anglais, la ratatouille se dit aussi Valentine dans le sud de la France. L'origine du plat se situe dans la zone autour de la Provence et de Nice. Le plat catalan « xamfaina » et le majorquin « tombet » sont d'autres versions du même plat1.
À l’origine, le mot « ratatouille » désigne dès 1778 un ragoût hétéroclite. L'abréviation « rata » désigne en argot militaire le mélange de haricots et de pommes de terre, puis de légumes variés et de viande grasse. Le rata est en effet la cantine de base du militaire peu savoureuse mais rapide à confectionner.

Le safran est une épice tirée de l'espèce Crocus sativus de la famille des Iridacées. La fleur possède trois stigmates (extrémités distales des carpelles de la plante). Styles (la « tige » reliant un stigmate avec le reste de la plante) et stigmates sont souvent séchés et utilisés en cuisine comme assaisonnement ou comme agent colorant. Le safran, qui fut pendant plusieurs décennies l'épice la plus chère au monde1,2, est originaire du Moyen-Orient2,3. Il a été cultivé pour la première fois dans les provinces grecques4.
Le safran est caractérisé par un goût amer et un parfum proche de l'iodoforme ou du foin, causés par la picrocrocine et le safranal 5,6. Il contient également un caroténoïde, la crocine, qui donne une tonalité jaune-or aux plats contenant du safran. Ces caractéristiques font du safran un ingrédient fortement prisé pour de nombreuses spécialités culinaires dans le monde entier, notamment dans la cuisine persane. Le safran possède également des applications médicales.

Le curcuma (Curcuma longa) est une plante herbacée rhizomateuse vivace de la famille des Zingibéracées originaire du sud de l'Asie. Parfois appelée safran des Indes, son nom provient du sanskrit kunkuma, arabe كركم, kourkoum, hébreu כרכֹם "karkom". Il est largement cultivé en Inde mais aussi, à un moindre degré, en Chine, à Taïwan, au Japon, en Birmanie, en Indonésie et en Afrique.
Il est connu en Occident depuis l'Antiquité et décrit par Dioscoride dans ses Materia Medica.

Arroz curuma y salmon

On utilise le rhizome séché et réduit en poudre comme épice et il entre couramment dans les mélanges d'épices de la cuisine indienne, en particulier le curry. Il est très utilisé également dans la cuisine réunionnaise. Pour préparer la poudre, il faut faire bouillir le rhizome, ôter sa peau, le faire sécher au soleil, puis le réduire en poudre. Il a alors perdu les trois quarts de son poids. Sa saveur est poivrée et très aromatique. Le curcuma est aussi largement utilisé dans les cuisines thaïe et cambodgienne

Totas de espinaca capeadas - con queso

L'épinard (nom scientifique Spinacia oleracea) est une plante potagère, annuelle ou bisannuelle, de la famille des Chénopodiacées. Originaire de l'Iran (il tire son nom du persan اسفناج āsfanāǧ), il est aujourd'hui cultivé dans toutes les régions tempérées pour ses qualités nutritionnelles.
Il est célébré dans la bande dessinée Popeye comme un légume riche en fer, qui donne sa force au héros, bien qu'en réalité sa teneur en fer ne soit pas particulièrement élevée.

Flan napolitano con Peras al vino blanco , canela y vainilla

La vanille est une épice constituée par le fruit de certaines orchidées lianescentes tropicales d'origine mésoaméricaine du genre Vanilla, principalement de l'espèce Vanilla planifolia.
Vanilla pompona est également susceptible de produire de la vanille, son fruit court lui valant aussi l'appellation de vanillon. Quant à Vanilla tahitensis, la vanille de Tahiti, les qualités agronomiques et aromatiques particulières de ce cultivar de Vanilla planifolia l'ont fait longtemps considérer comme une espèce distincte.
Les plantes qui produisent la vanille portent elles-mêmes le nom de vanille, ou parfois de vanillier. Ce sont les seules orchidées cultivées pour des raisons autres qu'ornementales.
La culture et la préparation de la vanille nécessitent, pour obtenir une épice richement aromatique, des soins longs et attentifs. Cela en fait, rapporté au poids, l'un des produits agricoles les plus chers au monde. Il se présente sous la forme de bâtonnets noirs et luisants, communément appelés « gousses de vanille ». Botaniquement, il s'agit cependant de capsules.

Le flan est un dessert dont il existe plusieurs variantes : le flan aux œufs, flan aux œufs au chocolat, flan pâtissier... Les flans sont souvent accompagnés d'un nappage au caramel, et il est parfaitement possible d'inclure dans le mélange, avant la cuisson, des morceaux de fruits à sa convenance, ou du chocolat.

Barolo is a red Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) wine produced in the northern Italian region of Piedmont. Made from the Nebbiolo grape, it is often described as one of Italy's greatest wines.[1] The zone of production extends into the communes of Barolo, Castiglione Falletto, Serralunga d'Alba and parts of the communes of Cherasco, Diano d'Alba, Grinzane Cavour, La Morra, Monforte d'Alba, Novello, Roddi, Verduno, all in the province of Cuneo, south-west of Alba. Only vineyards planted in primarily calcareous-clay soils in the hills with suitable slopes and orientations are considered suitable for Barolo production. Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses, and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on an orange tinge as they get older. When subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled a Riserva.[2]
In the past all Barolos used to be very tannic, and took more than 10 years to soften up and be ready for drinking. Fermenting wine sat on the grape skins for at least three weeks, extracting huge amounts of tannins, and was then it was aged in large, wooden casks for years. In order to appeal to more modern international tastes, which preferred fruitier, more accessible wine styles, several producers began to cut fermentation times to a maximum of ten days and age the wine in new French barriques (small oak barrels). "Traditionalists" have argued that the wines produced in this way are not recognizable as Barolo and taste more of new oak than of wine. The controversies between traditionalists and modernists have been called the "Barolo wars".[1]

Chartreuse (pronounced: [ʃaʁtʁøz]) is a French liqueur made by the Carthusian Monks, popular since the 1740s. It is composed of distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbal extracts. The liqueur is named after the Monk's Grande Chartreuse monastery, located in the Chartreuse Mountains in the general region of Grenoble in France. The liqueur is produced in a factory in the nearby town of Voiron (Isère).
Chartreuse gives its name to the colour. It is the original "made by monks" liquor which started the fad for such liquors (whether genuine, or more marketing-driven creations) in Europe in the 1800s. it is one of the handful of liquors which continues to age and improve in the bottle.

The two types of Chartreuse are:
Green Chartreuse (110 proof or 55%) is a naturally green liqueur flavored with extracts from 132 plants with its coloring coming from chlorophyll.
Yellow Chartreuse (40%), which has a milder and sweeter flavor and aroma.
Also made by the monks of Chartreuse are:
Chartreuse VEP. VEP stands for Vieillissement Exceptionnellement Prolongé, meaning "aging, very long" in English. It is made using the same processes and the same secret formula as the traditional liqueur, and by extra long ageing in oak casks it reaches an exceptional quality. Chartreuse VEP comes in both yellow and green.
Elixir Végétal de la Grande-Chartreuse (142 proof or 71%). The same base of about 130 medicinal and aromatic plants and flowers; far stronger. It can be described as a cordial or a liqueur, and is claimed to be a tonic. Sold in small wooden-covered bottles.
Liqueur du 9° Centenaire (47%) Created in 1984 to commemorate the 900 year anniversary of the foundation of the abbey. It is similar to Green Chartreuse but slightly sweeter.
Chartreuse 1605 - Liqueur d'Elixir (56%) Created to commemorate the return of a mysterious manuscript concerning an elixir of long life to the Carthusian monks by Marshal François Annibal d'Estrées.
Furthermore, the monks make a "Génépi". Génépi is the general term in the Alps for a homemade or local liquor featuring local mountain flora. (There are hundreds or even thousands of different Genepi liquors made, many simply by families for their own use each year.) As they have been making Charteuse from local plants for centuries, the monks have recently (2000s) made a Génépi as a sideline product. It is labelled "Génépi des Pêres Charteux" and is generally only available locally in a 70cl bottle, usually labelled 40% alcohol.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Chocolate Truffle-Filled Eggs

in charming lifelike detail, each of these blue robin’s eggs from Germany has a pretty speckled pastel candy shell that conceals a chocolate truffle center surrounded by a layer of white chocolate. The irresistible confections are perfect for tucking into our miniature nests to decorate table settings, for adding to Easter baskets and for filling a candy bowl. 6 oz. (24 eggs). A Williams-Sonoma exclusive.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010


Pernod es una marca de anís francés, siendo la más antigua del país, perteneciente a la empresa Pernod, filial del grupo también francés Pernod Ricard.
El Pernod no es técnicamente un pastis (otro típico anís francés), aunque a menudo se le denomina como tal, pues en realidad contiene muy poco regaliz. El licor debe su gusto a la destilación de la planta del anís, y no a su maceración. El producto es obtenido a partir de la especie de anís estrellado, del que se extrae un aceite esencial llamado anetol, que se mezcla con esencias aromáticas obtenidas por destilación, tales como la menta o el cilantro.

Pernod fue una marca creada por Henri-Louis Pernod, que había fundado la empresa Pernod e Hijos cerca de la frontera suiza en 1805.
El licor actual es heredero del Pernod 45, comercializado por primera vez en 1938, coincidiendo con el lanzamiento de una nueva legislación francesa que permitía la venta de pastis y bebidas similares con graduación de hasta 45.
Entre 1951 y 1954, Pernod comercializó un pastis etiquetado como Pernod 51, en referencia a su año de nacimiento (ya que los aperitivos anisados habían sido prohibidos en el mercado francés con anterioridad, pero se volvieron a autorizar en 1951). En 1954, Pernod rebautizó el producto con el nombre de Pastis 51, que entonces sólo se denominaba como 51.
En 1975, las empresas Pernod y Ricard se fusionaron para crear el grupo Pernod-Ricard.
Fruto de la experiencia, en 2001 Pernod lanza un nuevo anís espirituoso, Pernod con extractos de ajenjo, inspirado en la receta original del siglo XIX, que gozó de gran reputación, un licor sin azúcar con 68° y una tasa de tujona de menos de 10mg/l, que reúne las limitaciones legislativas francesas en vigor.
Entre 1959 y 1987, la empresa patrocinó el Super Prestige Pernod International, un reconocimiento que se otorgaba al mejor ciclista a nivel mundial.

Risotto con Terrine de huachinango

Risotto is a traditional Italian rice dish. It is one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Italy.
Its origins are in North Italy, specifically Eastern Piedmont, Western Lombardy, and the Veneto, where rice paddies are abundant. To be correctly described as a risotto dish, it needs to be made following the established process described below; otherwise the dish is a rice dish. The main feature of a risotto dish is the maintenance of starch at the end of cooking that binds the grains together as a cream.

A terrine is a glazed earthenware (terracotta, French terre cuite) cooking dish with vertical sides and a tightly fitting lid, generally rectangular or oval. Modern versions are also made of enameled cast-iron.
Terrine may also easily be confused with tureen, a large, deep, and usually round or oval covered dish, used for serving soups or stews.