miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

cocktail - We’re talking about the Manhattan.

 There is one cocktail that is instantly recognizable by name whether you know the exact ingredients or not. A concoction made with whiskey that will keep you warm on a chilly fall evening or a freezing winter’s night. Its name is the same as one of the most well-known and busiest cities in the world…Have you guessed it by now? That’s right. We’re talking about the Manhattan. Legend surrounds the invention of this classic cocktail. The most popular tale (and one thought to now be false) is that involving the Manhattan Club in the 1870s. Story goes that the cocktail was created at a party thrown by Lady Randolph Churchill, mother to Winston Churchill. This story would match the origin of the cocktail's name; however, there are various accounts that Lady Churchill was actually in Europe during this time and not hosting a party in New York City. Another version of the story comes from William F. Mulhall who claims that the drink was invented by a man named Black who was creating this iconic cocktail in the 1860s. Wherever the drink did come into existence, it is safe to say that no matter who invented it, it did come alive in the Big Apple. Since its creation, there have been many variations on the recipe itself. Rye whiskey is the classic staple; however, bourbon can be found in many Manhattans today. Whether you choose whiskey or bourbon, you’ll definitely need some Vermouthand bitters to complete your Manhattan. Happy drinking!


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